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BEAT WKND is a reaction to implied violence. In describing percussive sounds, we use the term “attack” to indicate the initial phase of sound, the beginning of the envelope. We can assume that attack implies the impact of the two objects that must collide to make a sudden, sharp vibration. A sound is further developed through its trajectory towards a “release” state, where it finally fades to nothingness.

As the literal sound of violence, percussion logically builds the palette for this project. Booming, bashing and tribal, these punishing "hits" become a kind of audio attack that can trigger the release of actual and repressed aggression in the form of ecstatic dance.

Violence or the threat of violence is a fundamental and normalized element in our culture, to the degree that combat sports like MMA are reflections of our obsession with blood and winning. Gawking over true, sanctioned violence becomes a remedy for the threat of violence that keeps us ultimately powerless and in line.

Each BEAT WKND release seeks to redirect that energy towards more cathartic ends.